Social Studies-Studying Around the World

Holiday's Around the World

My social studies classes have been studying all different types of holidays around the world this week.  Just a few that we have covered, include:

  • Ramadan- an Islam Holiday that focuses on fasting and giving thanks
  • Hannukah- A Jewish Holiday otherwise known as the Festival of Lights
  • Christmas- A Christian Holiday celbrating the birth of Jesus. 
  • Kwanzaa- An African American Holdiday celebrating African American History and Culture
  • Holi- A Hidu Holiday celebrating the return of Spring with pranks and games
  • Chinese New Year- A Chinese Holiday celebrating the start of a new year and hoping for good luck.
  • New Year- A holiday that everyone around the world celebrates, no matter what faith or beliefs. 
  • Los Posados- A Mexican version of Christmas where they recreate the story of Mary and Joseph by going door to door.

What do all of these holidays have in common?  All of these holidays include celebrations that involve giving to others, giving thanks for what one has, decorating, and spending time with friends and family.


Next week, we will continue our studies of this and focus more on which countries celebrate what.


Merry Christmas to ALL!!!!